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Gear we Like: Inviting Submissions


We all have that one bit of kit that is crucial to our success in the field. It is well-loved, well-worn, taking on almost talismanic appreciation. It can be mundane and ordinary, or the rarest of unicorns. You simply do not feel right unless it is with you.

What is your favorite piece of gear?

What is your favorite piece of gear that you actually and regularly use?

If you have something that fits this description, we would like to hear from you! We are opening a call for submissions for your beloved items that you have in your possession and that you use on a regular basis. It can be anything from pens to light sources, pouches to backpacks, tools (digital or analog), compasses, anything that aids your adventures. If the item is worn and has a patina, all the better. Let us see (please provide two or more original photos, ideally in square format) your less-than-pristine necessities used on your wider adventures. Important: reviewed products or items do not necessarily have to be Telemeter-related.

Suggested review format

Your name:
Your IG handle if you want it used:
Your city/state/country:

Discussion (optional):


  • Manufacturer:
  • Manufacturer's Website:
  • Price:
  • Weight:
  • Size:
  • Material:
  • Package includes:


Please follow the format above and include an action picture. Not sure if it fits the criteria? Drop us a line at info@wndsn.com with the subject: Gear we Like.

Feedback, suggestions, questions?

Write us at: info [at] wndsn [dot] com

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