Design Spotlight: Wndsn Figure Font Update
At the end of 2022, we have once again refined and updated our instrument font, specifically the numerals, with another iteration of improved legibility and discernibility. This font is designed to enhance the readability of our scales and markings in situations where your eyes are adjusted to the dark or where the lighting is poor.
We have made several changes to the shape, size, and spacing of the digits to make them more distinct and recognizable, even in the smallest font sizes. We have also added some subtle features to help you orient yourself on the scales and avoid confusion. These improvements will help you use our instruments more accurately and confidently in low-light conditions.
The attached graphic shows the older version at the top and the new and improved version in the bottom half.
From Wndsn "Design principles for letters and numbers used in small sizes" --
When designing letters and numbers for small scale measurements on measuring instruments, it is important to consider the minimum size of the laser used for engraving, as this will determine the minimum font size that can be used. As a general rule, the minimum font size should be at least 5 times the minimum width of the laser used for engraving. This is to ensure that the letters and numbers will be legible when the instrument is used.
It is also important to ensure that the font used has no serifs. Serifs are the small lines or strokes that are added to the end of the main strokes of a letter or number. These can make the letters and numbers more difficult to read at small sizes, so it is best to avoid using fonts with serifs when designing small scale measurements.
It is further important to ensure that similar shapes like 3 & 8 and 6 & 9 and 1 & 7 etc. are easily distinguishable. This is to avoid confusion when reading measurements, and to ensure that the instrument is as accurate as possible.
Some of our most popular instruments are already available [as of March 2023] with the new font. Check out the Wndsn Night Ops Telemeter, the Wndsn Quadrant Telemeter, and the Wndsn NATO-MIL Telemeter.