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Design Spotlight: The WNDSN Sonntag Wallet


The WNDSN Sonntag Wallet

The WNDSN Sonntag Wallet.

Once upon a time WNDSN made a square Quadrant Wallet for the Mini Horary Brass Quadrant. And it was good.

That wallet, while itself developed on the base of a years-old minimalist WNDSN design, took its style and carrying language from the small square dog tag silencers worn by the Israeli Defense Forces, adding a somewhat secret compartment on the backside.

From backpacks and ID tag holders to the Wndsn Sonntag Wallet

From backpacks and ID tag holders to the Wndsn Sonntag Wallet.

The WNDSN Sonntag Wallet's design goes back in several directions.

For the Sonntag Wallet, we kept these elements and refined the inside and added two-dimensional compartments shaped like a W for WNDSN, for credit cards, cash, and Telemeter organization.

The front of the Sonntag Wallet sports a shock cord cage on top of a velcro loop field; the cage itself is heavily inspired by mountaineering backpacks and their webbing and cord chains. The velcro face serves as an area for morale patches or identification of friend-or-foe markers, it also provides a backing for items carried inside the cage, ideal for instruments like Telemeters, but also pens, sunglasses, or other small items that need to be kept close, but hands-free.

For the necklace, we are using a larger diameter shock cord than for the cage. The flexible material adds comfort and improves usability and is an important safety feature, eliminating the need for a rigid line of paracord around the neck.

Made in Germany with premium materials.

Unique features:

  • Shock cord cage with velcro backing
  • Easy-index W-cut card slots
  • Button holes to secure the neck cord
  • Signature tabbed secure backpocket
  • Tone-in-tone logo embroidery on the front velcro

The WNDSN Sonntag wallet is available here: https://store.wndsn.com/collections/new-arrivals/products/wndsn-sonntag-wallet-handmade-1st-edition

Feedback, suggestions, questions?

Write us at: info [at] wndsn [dot] com

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